God, a designer's POV

It is Easter time! It is not just about eggs and candies. It is time to reflect about a lot of things around us and in us isn't it?

I always had this question: does god exist? If yes how does he/she look like, feel like, smell like? Will he/she talk differently? Will he/she eat differently? Will I be able to identify if he/she appears in front of me? What is so special about this person/thing?

As a designer, the first thing my mind does is, to sketch the persona with the necessary characteristics and traits. I tried doing that with data available around me.

I went through all scriptures, fables and epics to understand how they talked about God. I binge watched epics like Ramayan, Mahabharat (Rama and Krishna are god for us). I keenly observed the storyline in movies like Jesus and many more from the land of million gods (India). I took note on the character portrayal. There was a pattern in all these depictions. Yes, i am seeing them through the eyes of the director. It is not a qualitative experience for me so far. Agreed! But we need to start with what is available isn't it?

Here are some things i observed in these portrayals.

They looked ordinary. They were sensible. They were calm and quiet. They were not perturbed by things happening around them. Despite value exchange between human beings they still did the right thing. They did not care about value. They were respectful, grateful and really humble beings. They never got angry, they never harmed anyone. They accepted everyone.  Inclusion was a big part of who they are. Above all they could forgive people who harmed them. The lived in the moment. They didn't care about the past moment or the future moment.

I wondered is such a being possible? Can someone live like this? If not 100% atleast 20% godliness? hmm...doable?

Thanks to the Virus I am finding some answers. I even have a list of prediction around where to find Christ this year. Sounds cool, huh ?

My hunch is he is gonna be dressed up in different colored uniforms. I can even predict GPS locations where we can find him. Here are a few places on earth you can find him this year

  • In hospitals Covid wards in the form of doctors and nurses working day and night taking care of infected people without worrying about their own safety.
  • In wards of hospitals and care homes in the form of Janitors and care givers constantly disinfecting the corridors, rooms, changing beds without worrying about the infection.
  • In the form of truck drivers. The story says  Jesus passed through the earth on a donkey. With the advancement of the earth this time I guess he is passing around using trucks all night transporting the essentials to keep up the needs of 7.3 billion people across the globe without any rest. Pharmacies, shops, markets are working with this supply and people are surviving.
  • In the form of workers in supermarkets who replenish shelves and available at cash registers when we are all under lockdown safely with our loved ones.
  • In the form of garbage man every day to take away the rubbish in front of our homes.
  • In the form of security guards inside our community to keep an eye on everyone everyday and attending to their cribs and complaints.
  • In the form of border protection patrols and traffic policemen. They are working everyday away from their families so that they can take care of ours.
  • Many more who selflessly give their time and  energy to take care of us in such unprecedented times.
  • I don't think Christ is a man at all times. He sometimes takes form of women and children too. His twitter status must say he/she/they/it/whatever.

I know this much that this year he will not see candles and bells but this holy week shall be holy than ever! I am seeing Christ everyday everywhere, are you?

How did i miss this all these years? 🤦‍♀️