As a cognitive science student, I keep wondering how our brain functions? how intelligence works? what is consciousness? what is unconsciousness? well, then what is subconscious? how does this body work in tandem? If we are a bunch of impressions then are we not a cycle of past? It is true that if that part of the brain is damaged or removed, we loose all important impressions. We forget names, faces, relationships, concepts, interconnections etc. We become child like. Is that nirvana or brain damage? What is enlightenment then?
These questions burn me alive. The ignorance grows day by day to realise that we are more ignorant than otherwise. It is possible that we could die ignorant as we might not have answers to all questions before expiry. In some sense it gave me peace that we will die ignorant by default. But there is an option to know the truth if we are determined and if we put in necessary effort in that direction Probably that is what Gautama did. It is a lot of dedication and effort towards knowing truth. Knowing that it is a path by itself, it gave me some peace.
If not total nirvana, I want to understand how things work. I want to know the core of everything. I do not want to take any answer as answer but want to figure out how it works inside me. I want to taste the truth. This seeking (khoj) kept me ON all this while and I guess it is only becoming intense post midlife(40 year milestone) as questions are much stronger. This is when I started a project called Life Design in 2018 to find out what the hell is life and how can we design it consciously?
As a result of a 24 month search by spending lot of time, money, energy I found some answers which resonate deeply inside me. Post this mini enlightenment, I stopped looking for approval from others because truth is an experience and the other person may not have tasted the truth. In that case it is gonna be hard for the other person to understand what you are saying. Just because someone didn't understand does not mean what you are saying is not true. It only means that your communication is complex and it must be simplified even further. This is where simplifying complexity dawned on me.

In the world of cognitive science we try and understand memory and perception at its depth via theories and models. I did travel this rabbit hole for 3 years only to understand science has made a complex subject too complicated. It is time to simplify this complexity.
Here is my humble opinion about understanding human system in me. My brain is too small and it doesn't have so much processing capability to stomach all the complexity. I don't particularly enjoy cognitive overload. This inability gives me strength to simplify things in a way i can understand things better. If i can understand something, there is a high possibility that it is simple enough. These days i see hastags that says, #explainasifiamfive. This is how i have lived all my life to keep my neurons clean and serene. This is where perception comes in.
My sutra/formula/recipe for perception is below.
Perception = Perspective + Phenomena + Packaging
How you perceive things is how you understand things. Perceptions means understanding meaning.
Let us apply this to a reality situation. Let us take my fav subject DESIGN
The subject is presented in so many ways and applied in so many domains. Some manifestations are designing user experiences, interactions, interfaces, information flow, textiles, automotives, businesses etc.
There are several perspectives and POVs presented in the discipline. Everyone is trying to express their truth, the way they have understood stuff inside them. They are expressing their resonance in many ways. To name a few, Don Norman, Nielsen, Jared Spool, Alan Cooper, Indi Young are some eminent designers who influenced me deeply with their perspectives. It is still a perspective.
Some wrote books, some wrote play books, some gave keynote, some conducted workshops, some gave lectures. These manifestations are different forms of packaging.
The phenomena/principles is about stuff that doesn't change. It is like laws of nature. Whether you know it or not, like it or not, want it or not it doesn't matter. It stays beyond your likes and dislikes. That is the truth. Taking you from ambiguity to clarity is the innate nature of design.
Your perception is how you receive all these other 3Ps. The moment this dawned on me, I got free from identity crisis, free from FOMO, free from wanting to prove a point, wanting approval etc. This made me focus on seeking truth in everything I do. Speak up about things that are clear. Have silence when things are ambiguous.
Communicating is essential when you need to share the truth with fellow designers. The rest of the time, keep seeking more truth. Truth can be understood when your perception is sharp. When perception is spot on, your attention enhances. It is easy to look at this with this lens.